Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Thou Shalt Not Steal (But What About Plagiarize)

Readers of the Traditional Values Website are encouraged to "take action about what [they] have just read." Readers are encouraged to "write a letter to your local newspapers, television stations and radio stations" but "[p]lease note, the article will NOT be automatically inserted or referenced in your letter. You must copy and paste it or give them the web page URL yourself."

The readers are allowed to copy and paste. But nowhere on the Traditional Values Website does it say that "journalists" are allowed to copy and paste. Jeff Gannon did, though.

On January 20, 2004 Jeff put his name on his copy-and-paste heist of an article from the Traditional Values Website. Winston-Salem City Councilman Vernon Robinson Unveils his own Ten Commandments Monument in front of City Hall became Winston-Salem City Councilman Installs Ten Commandments Monument at City Hall By Jeff Gannon (links: http://www.mensnewsdaily.com/archive/newswire/news2004/0104/012004-10.htm & http://www.traditionalvalues.org/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=1369):

TVC: "Winston-Salem City-Councilman Vernon Robinson and four other men erected a Ten Commandments Monument in front of Winston-Salem City Hall this morning...The blue granite monument stands nearly five feet tall and weighs just under one ton..."

: "City Councilman Vernon Robinson chose the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday to unveil a Ten Commandments monument in front of the Winston-Salem City Hall. He and four other men erected the blue granite monument that stands nearly five feet tall and weighs just under one ton."

: "A nationally recognized conservative leader, Robinson's campaign for Congress in North Carolina's Fifth District..."

: "Robinson is a nationally recognized conservative leader and a Republican candidate for Congress in North Carolina's Fifth District."

: "It was paid for entirely out of the personal funds of Councilman Robinson, who intends that it be placed on permanent display at city hall."

: "Councilman Robinson, who paid for the monument entirely out of his personal funds, intends that the monument will be left on permanent display."

: "It was designed by Rev. David Maynard of Clemmons, who also selected and commissioned the artisans who actually formed the piece."

: "Rev. David Maynard designed the piece and also selected and commissioned the artisans who formed it."

: " The monument is inscribed on one side with the Ten Commandments...and on the other side with...the American Bill of Rights..."

: "The monument is inscribed on one side with the Ten Commandments and on the other side with the Bill of Rights."

: "The project has been in the works since October of 2003, when Councilman Robinson and Justice Roy Moore (former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court) were the keynote speakers at the Florida Christian Coalition's annual God and Country banquet. After an extended discussion with Justice Moore about the somewhat similar monument commissioned by Moore that was removed by federal court order from the Alabama state courts building in Montgomery, Robinson became inspired to undertake a constitutionally acceptable project here in Winston-Salem."

: "The project has been in the works since October of 2003, when Robinson and former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore were the keynote speakers at the Florida Christian Coalition's annual God and Country banquet. Following a discussion with Moore about his experience with the Ten Commandments monument he had placed in the Alabama state courts building that was removed by a federal court order, Robinson says he was inspired to install a similar piece in Winston-Salem."

: " Although some public displays of the Ten Commandments have encountered legal challenges in recent years, the Robinson display avoids these constitutional pitfalls. It is paid for entirely by Councilman Robinson's personal funds, and therefore represents no investment of public monies. In addition, the inclusion of the Bill of Rights makes clear that the text is not an overt tribute to the Judeo-Christian religion, but rather a simple acknowledgement of the historical role these two great documents, one secular and one religious, played in the development and growth of our American legal system."

: "Robinson has been careful to avoid the constitutional pitfalls that have resulted in legal challenges to other public displays of the Ten Commandments. The monument is paid for entirely by Councilman Robinson's personal funds, and therefore represents no investment of public monies. In addition, the inclusion of the Bill of Rights makes clear that the text is not an overt tribute to the Judeo-Christian religion, but rather a simple acknowledgement of the historical role these two documents, one secular and one religious, played in the development and growth of our American legal system."

: "Robinson also acknowledged that one or more of the liberals serving with him on the city council might ask that the monument be removed:"

: "Robinson also acknowledged that one or more of the liberals serving with him on the city council might ask that the monument be removed..."

: "[T]he five men who erected the monument dedicated it with a prayer asking the Lord to soften the hardened hearts of city officials."

: "The five men who erected the monument dedicated it with a prayer asking the Lord to "soften the hardened hearts of city officials..."

Monday, March 14, 2005


Jeff Gannon Writes For The President's Assistant

Jeff's "article" for March 14, 2005 "Bush Scores Win With Faith-Based Initiative Ruling" contains maybe three or four words contributed by Jeff. Most came from the mouth of the Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Jim Towey, at a press conference held on March 8th (transcript).

Whoops, forgot to mention Jim's other job; the position that Jeff mentions first in his "article." Jim's also the Assistant to the President.

One question for Jeff. Did it take you close to a week to copy-and-paste this article? Because it only took me an hour to provide today's lesson in The Art of Propaganda And Plagiarism by Jeff Gannon.

Jeff: "The Bush Administration won a key victory in the battle over the President’s faith-based initiatives last week. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rendered a unanimous decision a case that would allow AmeriCorps members to serve as teachers in religious schools in the Education Awards Program.

Towey: "This morning, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit delivered a unanimous decision that reversed a lower court holding...This is a key victory for the Faith-Based and Community Initiative...AmeriCorps members serving as teachers in religious schools in the education awards program."

Jeff - " The decision applies to fewer than 1 percent of the roughly 75,000 AmeriCorps members nationwide."

Towey: "that applied to fewer than 1 percent of the roughly 75,000 AmeriCorps members nationwide."

Jeff: "At issue was the right of college students participating in the program to choose to teach at parochial schools and without being forced to sacrifice their religious identity in order to qualify."

Towey: "at issue was the right of these students to choose to go to these parochial schools and teach with the understanding and...not use any of their time in religious instruction or worship, that any of that had to be in their private time."

Jeff: "The American Jewish Congress filed the lawsuit against the Corporation for National and Community Service, the program administrator. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) participated in the case as amicus curiae. It views the decision as having crossed the threshold to permit government sponsored religious teaching."

The rest of Jeff's article is taken from a press release issued by the Anti-Defamation League on March 9th (link) and a speech that Bush gave on March 1st at the Leadership Conference: transcript.


Jeffournalism For Dummies

Jeff Gannon
A Voice of the New Media

So feared by the Left it had to take me down

About Me

Bruised but not broken

I'm baaaaaaack! If you thought I was going to slink away - then you don't know much about me. Someone still has to battle the Left and now that I've emerged from the crucible, I'm stronger than before.

Despite all the pleas from the Left to go over to the 'dark side' and expose the 'corrupt Bush administration' simply isn't going to happen. My faith and my ideology are rock solid.

Still, the last few weeks have been difficult for my family and my associates. To them I offer my apology and gratitude for their support.

In regard to the allegations about my personal life, I have been advised by my attorneys not to comment on any of the details pending the outcome of any possible legal action I might pursue. Therefore, I won't be discussing any of that stuff here.



Media requests


Help me keep up the fight!


Today's News

Bush Scores Win With Faith-Based Initiative Ruling
Jeff Gannon, Washington correspondent
March 14, 2005

WASHINGTON (JeffGannon.com)
The Bush Administration won a key victory in the battle over the President’s faith-based initiatives last week. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rendered a unanimous decision a case that would allow AmeriCorps members to serve as teachers in religious schools in the Education Awards Program.

Jim Towey, Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives called the ruling “an extraordinary victory for the poor children who are served in these programs. MORE

News Archives

Current Column

Fear and Loathing in the Press Room

For the last two years, the Old Media figures at the White House thought of me as a gadfly, a right-winger with an agenda, harmless, someone to be ignored. From time to time there were grumbles among some of the reporters and one or two confrontations, but there was never a serious attempt to remove me from their midst. During my tenure I developed some good friends there who welcomed the refreshing perspective I brought to the briefings and respected my courage for asking the questions that I did. MORE

Column Archives


March 14, 2005

Another demonstration of the intolerance of the Left, especially when it comes to one of its most important agenda items. STORY


Doonesbury weighs in on Gannongate. CARTOON


A new study shows media harder on Bush than Kerry last year. You think? STORY


Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy in Media talks about Dotty Lynch from CBS and her possible slant in reporting Gannongate. STORY Lynch's article: Rove-Gannon Connection?


Mark Silva of the Chicago Tribune has an article "Is It Public Relations Or Propaganda" in which he claims I declined to comment. But Silva never contacted me for his article, I can only assume it is because he didn't want his premise refuted by any facts I might provide.


March 13, 2005

Philip Bennett, managing editor of the Washington Post articulates the Democrats' view of America's role in the world in an interview with China's People's Daily. STORY


The Left reveals itself in so many ways. This time the United Auto Workers has decided to support the United State Marine Corps, but only when they drive American cars AND don't display pro-Bush bumper stickers. STORY


The St. Petersburg Times has a good article about the changes taking place in the White House briefing room as the result of Gannongate. STORY


The New Republic has an interesting article on the Daschle-Thune race. I know it just drives the Lefties crazy for me to be acknowledged as a journalist. STORY


March 12, 2005

Lefty bloggers oddly silent about this: STORY


Ari Fleischer gives perspective to Gannongate and the White House press corps. STORY


March 11, 2005

The Confederate Yankee features a great article, Jeff Gannon, Real Journalist


A Florida liberal demonstrates his dedication to non-violence, free speech and tolerance in this news article. STORY


These guys never give up. Lefties are screaming for more coverage of Gannongate, then complain when they get too much. STORY


peace-loving, tolerant liberal shows that when it comes to hating President Bush Democrats can't understand why they keep losing elections, but this item should provide a clue. STORY


Jay Rosen at PressThink criticizes the White House press corps for not asking more evocative questions. Perhaps the treatment I got for doing just that is the reason they don't. STORY


March 10, 2005

Jeff Johnson at CNSNews.com takes a look at the first blogger to receive credentials to attend a White House briefing, White House Blogger Is Liberal Political Net Consultant.


Another candidate for the "Divorced From Reality™" team, Rep. John Conyers, the most compelling case for term limits, just won't let go of Gannongate. He gives an "interview" to RAWSTORY, the PR department for the lunatic wing of the Democratic party. STORY and TRANSCRIPT


March 9, 2005

RatherBiased.com offers The Last Word on Dan Rather.


Scott Hogenson at CNSNews.com has a great commentary, Intellectual Bankruptcy on the Left.


Is there any more proof required that the Left wants to leave America defenseless? Note the part where teachers unions (that almost exclusively support Democrats with millions of dollars and volunteer hours) worked to allow anti-war activists access to high schools to convince students not to join the military. STORY


Despite the fact that the Secret Service has determined that I met all of their requirements and confirmed that I gave my real name for clearance, that isn't good enough for House Democrats and the conspiracy kids on the Left. STORY Editor & Publisher quotes a Lefty blogger who was the lead on the my political assassination to make a point about national security and Rep. Louise Slaughter gives a quote to RAW STORY, as if it was a legitimate news service. Nice unbiased work, E&P!


March 8, 2005

Rep. Louise Slaughter is accusing House Republicans of 'abusing their power." What does she think investigating a journalist is? STORY


I offer the following article about Teresa Heinz Kerry without comment. You be the judge of where this falls on the "Divorced From Reality™" scale. STORY


Mississippi Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson wants unbiased news coming out of the White House press room. Good luck with that! STORY


On Monday, blogger Garrett Graff attended his first White House press briefing. His observations are similar to what I experienced two years ago. I wish him the best of luck. STORY


The debate continues over whether blogging is journalism. A California judge is asked to decide. STORY


March 7, 2005

Mark Jurkowitz of the Boston Globe presents a one-sided view of the Washington press corps, failing to acknowledge that there might be liberal bias at work or a political agenda being pursued by some news agencies. This from a newspaper that many times sounded like a mouthpiece for the Kerry campaign. STORY


Randell Beck, editor of the Sioux Falls (SD) Argus Leader simultaneously tells readers not to trust what is found on blogs but then repeats distortions from them in discussing Gannongate. STORY


The New York Times is hailing the first blogger to be issued a "day pass" to a White House press briefing. It goes to great lengths to play up his genealogical background in journalism, but fails to mention that the Vermont native served as deputy national press secretary on Howard Dean's presidential campaign last year. Hmmm...no political ties there! STORY

According to the "Gannon Standard", I am expecting to see other bloggers' reports on his sexual and financial history as well as some conspiracy theories about who this guy is.

Actually, I like the guy, we've talked on the phone several times. I wish him luck and am pleased that others will gain from what I pioneered. Now I'm looking for a conservative blogger to step up and get in there!


March 6, 2005

I just finished up on the Steve Yuhas Show, and was glad to finally get a chance to talk about the important elements of this story. I'll be doing more of this from this point on and I have a lot to say. There is so much more to this story that has yet to be told.



I will be a guest on the Steve Yuhas Show Sunday night, March 6 at 9:00pm EST. The segment will be LIVE - I'll be talking about Gannongate and the Hyper-Hysterical (and not in a funny way) Homosexual Hypocrites and their enablers in the Old Media who played the "gay card" to try to destroy me.

"I'm here, I'm conservative. Get used to it!"


A sore loser from the failed re-election bid of Sen. Tom Daschle complains about my coverage of last year's race, but says it didn't have any effect. So what's the beef Hildy? STORY


I watched a clip of Sen. Joe Biden on Bill Maher's HBO crapfest. I wonder why he didn't mention meeting me some years ago. C'mon Joe, think...


More interesting observations about the Washington press elite from Fred Brown in the Denver Post. STORY


James Joyner wieghs in with an interesting observation on the Outside the Beltway blog, Why is Sgrena Called a Journalist?


The impartial Helen Thomas takes a break from her Bush-bashing column to share her views about Gannongate. STORY She was interviewed during an appearance at Siena College's First Woman President Symposium held coincidentally following the release of its own poll that said a majority of Americans are ready for a female commander-in-chief and that Hillary Clinton should run in 2008.


Johanna Neuman of the Chicago Tribune has an interesting article about the White House press corps. STORY

Doug Schmitz at MichNews.com takes a thorough look at Gannongate with The White House press clubhouse: No conservatives allowed.



I will be a guest on the Steve Yuhas Show Sunday night, March 6. The segment will be LIVE - I'm coming out swinging and fighting back!


Frank Rich gives Maureen Dowd a run for her money to be the most asinine columnist at New York Times with Gonzo Gone, Rather Going, Watergate Still Here, but Maureen still manages to maintain a two-Prozac edge.


Russell Cobb of the Daily Texan implies that I drove Hunter Thompson to suicide in Gonzo Journalism to Bootlicking.


March 5, 2005

CK Rairden, managing editor of the National Ledger is talking about The Post-Jeff Gannon Era.


White House correspondent Les Kinsolving, who is recovering from triple-bypass surgery following a January heart attack, wrote of the colorful history of the Washington press corps, for World Net Daily in 2002. STORY I send my best wishes and continued prayers to Les and his wonderful wife.


March 4, 2005

Congressional Democrats continue their assault on a free press with an unprecedented request for an inquiry into a conservative journalist who attended White House briefings for the last two years. STORY Who is behind this 21st Century McCarthyism? THE USUAL SUSPECTS


House Democrats are clamoring for an investigation into how a journalist was allowed inside the White House press room. Jennifer Harper at the Washington Times quotes Rep. Louise Slaughter saying, "This is a matter of national security..." STORY


Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur signs onto the "Divorced From Reality™" team in an article from the Toledo Blade in which she claims I misrepresented her remarks TWO YEARS AGO and then proceeds to take a big gulp of the conspiracy Kool-Aid. STORY


March 3, 2005

Democrats unveiled "the house that Daschle built" Tuesday night. The new headquarters for the National Democratic Senatorial Committee will bear the name of the former Minority Leader who was FIRED by constituents last November. The Sioux Falls (SD) Argus Leader presents a wistful account of the unveiling, Democrats name building for Daschle. The former South Dakota senator was the first party leader turned out of office since 1952 - that's something to be remembered for.


Steve Yuhas, a terrific radio host in Southern California scores with
Media Matters for America Doesn’t: David Brock is just one angry Mary. Ha!


Brent Bozell, president of Media Research Center has a an article posted at Townhall.com where he asks, Is the liberal media dead?. Seriously wounded maybe and still dangerous, I'd say.


After a month of Media Matters for America smearing me as a political operative instead of the independent conservative journalist that I am, it has been revealed that my accuser is itself a political operation of sorts. Marc Morano of CNSNews.com exposes the financial connection between MMA with liberal activist groups funded by convicted insider trading billionaire George Soros,
David Brock Group Backpedals on Soros Funding.


CNSNews.com highlights the position of the Divorced from Reality crowd with Senate Dems 'United' Against 'Goofy Privatization Scheme'


Ann Coulter again lambastes the Left for its hypocrisy with Calling the Kettle Gay.


March 2, 2005

I just had an email from some folks who have been away and don't know how this all got started. For those who are playing catch-up on the news, I am providing a link to my column about "The Question", Touching American Journalism's Third Rail.


Tom Bevan has an great piece at Real Clear Politics, PLAYING HARDBALL WITH MAUREEN DOWD, in which he makes some good points about this gal who probably needs a bit of the old Jeff Gannon to relieve some of that pent up whatever. He also describes the media bubble that protected John Kerry from pesky questions like those about releasing his entire military record until after the election. This is the same bubble that keeps Sen. Hillary Clinton from having to reconcile her statements about the economy and Social Security that I so elegantly framed in "The Question."


The Media Research Center rips apart the bias deniers at Hardball with Matthews & Carlson Reject Notion White House Press Corps Liberal.


Jay Rosen at Pressthink is spouting another conspiracy theory about how the White House created Jeff Gannon. In the Press Room of the White House that is Post Press puts Rosen onto the
"Divorced From Reality™" Express.


Senate Democrats gathered in Washington Tuesday night to honor their fallen leader, Tom Daschle. It was billed as a celebration, but turned out to be more like a wake. For Daschle, Democrats Are the Farewell Party Sen. Chuck Schumer seemed to suggest that Daschle consider running for Senate in Maryland if Paul Sarbanes decides to retire. Why not? He doesn't live in that state either. The Foxhall Road homeowner once proclaimed, "I'm a DC resident!"


Howard Kurtz writes about former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who is currently on a tour to promote his book "Taking Heat" in Ari Fleischer's View From the Briefing Room. Of course no discussion of the White House Press Corps these days is complete without a mention of Jeff Gannon.


March 1, 2005

I just noticed a snarky bit by MSNBC's David Shuster on Hard-blah-gger. When you're done with that, take a look at my piece on Shuster from last September, Shuster's Shame.


Bloggers are again doing what the Old Media will not, that is, giving me an opportunity to answer questions without editing, filtering or interpretation. Therefore, I am granting interviews to both conservative and liberal bloggers.

I took 10 questions from Aaron at Lifelike Pundits


Garrett Graff at FishbowlDC is featuring an interview I did with him yesterday, "Gannon: It's a Making Lemonade Thing"


The Old Media still doesn't get it.

Gannonblog Archives

Today's Briefing Question

While I am on hiatus from the White House briefing room, I'm going to post the question I would have asked had I been there. It will be interesting to see if anyone else asks it.

March 14, 2005

"On Sunday, the New York Times reported that weapons sites were looted in the weeks following the invasion of Iraq. If there were no WMDs and the regime posed no threat as the media continues to emphasize, isn't this an insignificant revelation?"

March 11, 2005

"Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman in Florida is due to be starved to death now that a judge will allow her husband to remove the feeding tube that has been keeping her alive. The President's brother, Gov. Jeb Bush has been trying to prevent this from happening. The President has the absolute power to grant pardons. Will he intervene to save Terri Schiavo from what is essentially a death sentence?"


March 9, 2005

“House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently said, "President Bush and the Republicans have created a record deficit and are raiding the Social Security trust fund to make up for it." How do you respond to that rhetoric?


March 8, 2005

"Has the White House had any conversations with or given any directions to United Nations Ambassador-designate John Bolton to demand a full accounting of the Oil-for-food program and an investigation into the sexual misconduct of UN peacekeepers in the Congo and elsewhere?"


March 7, 2005

"In 1999, Sen. Harry Reid said, 'Most of us have no problem with taking a small amount of the Social Security proceeds and putting it into the private sector.' On Saturday, he said that he would not negotiate with the White House on Social Security until 'privatization' was taken off the table. Are you hoping to convince the Senate Minority Leader once again change his position and support the concept of personal savings accounts for Social Security?"


March 4, 2005

"On CNN Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan 'one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington.' Does the White House agree or disagree with Reid's opinion?"

IT IS AS IF IT NEVER HAPPENED, but we did get this "unbiased" question: "Scott, those surveys that you mentioned a couple of times also show the more the President talks, the less Americans seem to trust him on the issue of Social Security, and the less they like the notion of private or personal accounts. What accounts for that? "

March 3, 2005

"Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan told members of Congress on Wednesday that the U.S. economy is growing at a "reasonably good pace" and recommended that budget deficits be fixed through spending cuts instead of tax increases. Does the White House consider this an endorsement of its fiscal policies as opposed to Democrats who still want to roll back the Bush tax cuts?"

NOT EVEN CLOSE - It looks as if continued job growth and a strengthening economy will go unreported until the Old Media can make it look like it would have happened anyway or find a way to give Democrats credit for it.

March 2, 2005

"West Virginia Democratic Senator Robert Byrd took to the Senate floor Tuesday and likened Republicans' efforts to get an up or down vote for the President's judicial nominees to the fascism of Nazi Germany. Would you comment on those remarks?"


Saturday, March 12, 2005


"Deep Thoughts" Stolen From Jeff Gannon

March 12, 2005

Lefty bloggers oddly silent about this: STORY


Ari Fleischer gives perspective to Gannongate and the White House press corps. STORY


Ummmm...yeah...lefty bloggers were certainly oddly silent about that first post by Jeff Gannon. Here's Atrios being oddly silent: Hmmmmm. Here's the Nashua Advocate being oddly silent: Jeff Gannon Continues to Hint at the Involvement, in Gannongate, of the Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joe Biden. Here's Yes, But Still being oddly silent:
Give a penny, take a penny X 41.2 million
. Here's The Inside Dope being oddly silent: Uh, Senator, about that $412,000.... Here's The Political Puzzle being oddly silent: Gosh.... Here's Cannonfire being oddly silent: More Gannonfire (updated).

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Not Much To Take From Jeff Today


March 10, 2005

Jeff Johnson at CNSNews.com takes a look at the first blogger to receive credentials to attend a White House briefing, White House Blogger Is Liberal Political Net Consultant.


Another candidate for the "Divorced From Reality™" team, Rep. John Conyers, the most compelling case for term limits, just won't let go of Gannongate. He gives an "interview" to RAWSTORY, the PR department for the lunatic wing of the Democratic party. STORY and TRANSCRIPT


Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Stolen From Jeff Gannon

(NOTE - Earlier today, Jeff Gannon resumed his bruised position as a "Washington correspondent" and posted his first "real" article since he got shit-canned by Bobby Eberle's Talon News over a month ago: "Bush: Freedom is the Direction of History." The article is nothing more than an other patented Jeff Gannon copy-and-paste job, completely taken from a Bush transcript including the title. I have one firm rule for the Plagiarize Jeff Gannon Blog. I only plagiarize Jeff Gannon's original content. So here's a link to the White House transcript where Jeff Gannon got "Today's News" from: President Discusses War on Terror. Interject a couple "Bush saids" and "Bush delivereds" and you'll be pretty much reading Jeff's latest "piece."

March 9, 2005

RatherBiased.com offers The Last Word on Dan Rather.

Scott Hogenson at CNSN.com has a great commentary, Intellectual Bankruptcy on the Left.

Is there any more proof required that the Left wants to leave America defenseless? Note the part where teachers unions (that almost exclusively support Democrats with millions of dollars and volunteer hours) worked to allow anti-war activists access to high schools to convince students not to join the military. STORY


Despite the fact that the Secret Service has determined that I met all of their requirements and confirmed that I gave my real name for clearance, that isn't good enough for House Democrats and the conspiracy kids on the Left. STORY Editor & Publisher quotes a Lefty blogger who was the lead on the my political assassination to make a point about national security and Rep. Louise Slaughter gives a quote to RAW STORY, as if it was a legitimate news service. Nice unbiased work, E&P!


Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Plagiarized Jeff Gannon

Jeff Gannon
A Voice of the New Media

So feared by the Left it had to take me down

About Me

Bruised but not broken

I'm baaaaaaack! If you thought I was going to slink away - then you don't know much about me. Someone still has to battle the Left and now that I've emerged from the crucible, I'm stronger than before.

Despite all the pleas from the Left to go over to the 'dark side' and expose the 'corrupt Bush administration' simply isn't going to happen. My faith and my ideology are rock solid.

Still, the last few weeks have been difficult for my family and my associates. To them I offer my apology and gratitude for their support.

In regard to the allegations about my personal life, I have been advised by my attorneys not to comment on any of the details pending the outcome of any possible legal action I might pursue. Therefore, I won't be discussing any of that stuff here.



Media requests


Help me keep up the fight!


Current Column

Fear and Loathing in the Press Room

For the last two years, the Old Media figures at the White House thought of me as a gadfly, a right-winger with an agenda, harmless, someone to be ignored. From time to time there were grumbles among some of the reporters and one or two confrontations, but there was never a serious attempt to remove me from their midst. During my tenure I developed some good friends there who welcomed the refreshing perspective I brought to the briefings and respected my courage for asking the questions that I did.

It wasn’t until I asked “The Question” that everything abruptly changed. Initially, my colleagues had no reaction to the query posed to President Bush. It wasn’t until Rush Limbaugh drew attention to it that there was any interest at all. But that was enough to get a liberal group dedicated to attacking conservatives in the media to mobilize. It was horrified that the relentless string of hostile and a few downright disrespectful questions had been broken. My greater sin in their eyes, however was that I dared to suggest that two Senate Democratic leaders held an illogical view of the economy’s weakness and the strength of Social Security. MORE

Column Archives


March 8, 2005

Rep. Louise Slaughter is accusing House Republicans of 'abusing their power." What does she think investigating a journalist is? STORY


I offer the following article about Teresa Heinz Kerry without comment. You be the judge of where this falls on the "Divorced From Reality™" scale. STORY


Mississippi Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson wants unbiased news coming out of the White House press room. Good luck with that! STORY


On Monday, blogger Garrett Graff attended his first White House press briefing. His observations are similar to what I experienced two years ago. I wish him the best of luck. STORY


The debate continues over whether blogging is journalism. A California judge is asked to decide. STORY


March 7, 2005

Mark Jurkowitz of the Boston Globe presents a one-sided view of the Washington press corps, failing to acknowledge that there might be liberal bias at work or a political agenda being pursued by some news agencies. This from a newspaper that many times sounded like a mouthpiece for the Kerry campaign. STORY


Randell Beck, editor of the Sioux Falls (SD) Argus Leader simultaneously tells readers not to trust what is found on blogs but then repeats distortions from them in discussing Gannongate. STORY


The New York Times is hailing the first blogger to be issued a "day pass" to a White House press briefing. It goes to great lengths to play up his genealogical background in journalism, but fails to mention that the Vermont native served as deputy national press secretary on Howard Dean's presidential campaign last year. Hmmm...no political ties there! STORY

According to the "Gannon Standard", I am expecting to see other bloggers' reports on his sexual and financial history as well as some conspiracy theories about who this guy is.

Actually, I like the guy, we've talked on the phone several times. I wish him luck and am pleased that others will gain from what I pioneered. Now I'm looking for a conservative blogger to step up and get in there!


March 6, 2005

I just finished up on the Steve Yuhas Show, and was glad to finally get a chance to talk about the important elements of this story. I'll be doing more of this from this point on and I have a lot to say. There is so much more to this story that has yet to be told.



I will be a guest on the Steve Yuhas Show Sunday night, March 6 at 9:00pm EST. The segment will be LIVE - I'll be talking about Gannongate and the Hyper-Hysterical (and not in a funny way) Homosexual Hypocrites and their enablers in the Old Media who played the "gay card" to try to destroy me.

"I'm here, I'm conservative. Get used to it!"


A sore loser from the failed re-election bid of Sen. Tom Daschle complains about my coverage of last year's race, but says it didn't have any effect. So what's the beef Hildy? STORY


I watched a clip of Sen. Joe Biden on Bill Maher's HBO crapfest. I wonder why he didn't mention meeting me some years ago. C'mon Joe, think...


More interesting observations about the Washington press elite from Fred Brown in the Denver Post. STORY


James Joyner wieghs in with an interesting observation on the Outside the Beltway blog, Why is Sgrena Called a Journalist?


The impartial Helen Thomas takes a break from her Bush-bashing column to share her views about Gannongate. STORY She was interviewed during an appearance at Siena College's First Woman President Symposium held coincidentally following the release of its own poll that said a majority of Americans are ready for a female commander-in-chief and that Hillary Clinton should run in 2008.


Johanna Neuman of the Chicago Tribune has an interesting article about the White House press corps. STORY

Doug Schmitz at MichNews.com takes a thorough look at Gannongate with The White House press clubhouse: No conservatives allowed.



I will be a guest on the Steve Yuhas Show Sunday night, March 6. The segment will be LIVE - I'm coming out swinging and fighting back!


Frank Rich gives Maureen Dowd a run for her money to be the most asinine columnist at New York Times with Gonzo Gone, Rather Going, Watergate Still Here, but Maureen still manages to maintain a two-Prozac edge.


Russell Cobb of the Daily Texan implies that I drove Hunter Thompson to suicide in Gonzo Journalism to Bootlicking.


March 5, 2005

CK Rairden, managing editor of the National Ledger is talking about The Post-Jeff Gannon Era.


White House correspondent Les Kinsolving, who is recovering from triple-bypass surgery following a January heart attack, wrote of the colorful history of the Washington press corps, for World Net Daily in 2002. STORY I send my best wishes and continued prayers to Les and his wonderful wife.


March 4, 2005

Congressional Democrats continue their assault on a free press with an unprecedented request for an inquiry into a conservative journalist who attended White House briefings for the last two years. STORY Who is behind this 21st Century McCarthyism? THE USUAL SUSPECTS


House Democrats are clamoring for an investigation into how a journalist was allowed inside the White House press room. Jennifer Harper at the Washington Times quotes Rep. Louise Slaughter saying, "This is a matter of national security..." STORY


Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur signs onto the "Divorced From Reality™" team in an article from the Toledo Blade in which she claims I misrepresented her remarks TWO YEARS AGO and then proceeds to take a big gulp of the conspiracy Kool-Aid. STORY


March 3, 2005

Democrats unveiled "the house that Daschle built" Tuesday night. The new headquarters for the National Democratic Senatorial Committee will bear the name of the former Minority Leader who was FIRED by constituents last November. The Sioux Falls (SD) Argus Leader presents a wistful account of the unveiling, Democrats name building for Daschle. The former South Dakota senator was the first party leader turned out of office since 1952 - that's something to be remembered for.


Steve Yuhas, a terrific radio host in Southern California scores with
Media Matters for America Doesn’t: David Brock is just one angry Mary. Ha!


Brent Bozell, president of Media Research Center has a an article posted at Townhall.com where he asks, Is the liberal media dead?. Seriously wounded maybe and still dangerous, I'd say.


After a month of Media Matters for America smearing me as a political operative instead of the independent conservative journalist that I am, it has been revealed that my accuser is itself a political operation of sorts. Marc Morano of CNSNews.com exposes the financial connection between MMA with liberal activist groups funded by convicted insider trading billionaire George Soros,
David Brock Group Backpedals on Soros Funding.


CNSNews.com highlights the position of the Divorced from Reality crowd with Senate Dems 'United' Against 'Goofy Privatization Scheme'


Ann Coulter again lambastes the Left for its hypocrisy with Calling the Kettle Gay.


March 2, 2005

I just had an email from some folks who have been away and don't know how this all got started. For those who are playing catch-up on the news, I am providing a link to my column about "The Question", Touching American Journalism's Third Rail.


Tom Bevan has an great piece at Real Clear Politics, PLAYING HARDBALL WITH MAUREEN DOWD, in which he makes some good points about this gal who probably needs a bit of the old Jeff Gannon to relieve some of that pent up whatever. He also describes the media bubble that protected John Kerry from pesky questions like those about releasing his entire military record until after the election. This is the same bubble that keeps Sen. Hillary Clinton from having to reconcile her statements about the economy and Social Security that I so elegantly framed in "The Question."


The Media Research Center rips apart the bias deniers at Hardball with Matthews & Carlson Reject Notion White House Press Corps Liberal.


Jay Rosen at Pressthink is spouting another conspiracy theory about how the White House created Jeff Gannon. In the Press Room of the White House that is Post Press puts Rosen onto the
"Divorced From Reality™" Express.


Senate Democrats gathered in Washington Tuesday night to honor their fallen leader, Tom Daschle. It was billed as a celebration, but turned out to be more like a wake. For Daschle, Democrats Are the Farewell Party Sen. Chuck Schumer seemed to suggest that Daschle consider running for Senate in Maryland if Paul Sarbanes decides to retire. Why not? He doesn't live in that state either. The Foxhall Road homeowner once proclaimed, "I'm a DC resident!"


Howard Kurtz writes about former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who is currently on a tour to promote his book "Taking Heat" in Ari Fleischer's View From the Briefing Room. Of course no discussion of the White House Press Corps these days is complete without a mention of Jeff Gannon.


March 1, 2005

I just noticed a snarky bit by MSNBC's David Shuster on Hard-blah-gger. When you're done with that, take a look at my piece on Shuster from last September, Shuster's Shame.


Bloggers are again doing what the Old Media will not, that is, giving me an opportunity to answer questions without editing, filtering or interpretation. Therefore, I am granting interviews to both conservative and liberal bloggers.

I took 10 questions from Aaron at Lifelike Pundits


Garrett Graff at FishbowlDC is featuring an interview I did with him yesterday, "Gannon: It's a Making Lemonade Thing"


The Old Media still doesn't get it.

Gannonblog Archives

Today's Briefing Question

While I am on hiatus from the White House briefing room, I'm going to post the question I would have asked had I been there. It will be interesting to see if anyone else asks it.

March 8, 2005

"Has the White House had any conversations with or given any directions to United Nations Ambassador-designate John Bolton to demand a full accounting of the Oil-for-food program and an investigation into the sexual misconduct of UN peacekeepers in the Congo and elsewhere?"

March 7, 2005

"In 1999, Sen. Harry Reid said, 'Most of us have no problem with taking a small amount of the Social Security proceeds and putting it into the private sector.' On Saturday, he said that he would not negotiate with the White House on Social Security until 'privatization' was taken off the table. Are you hoping to convince the Senate Minority Leader once again change his position and support the concept of personal savings accounts for Social Security?"


March 4, 2005

"On CNN Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan 'one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington.' Does the White House agree or disagree with Reid's opinion?"

IT IS AS IF IT NEVER HAPPENED, but we did get this "unbiased" question: "Scott, those surveys that you mentioned a couple of times also show the more the President talks, the less Americans seem to trust him on the issue of Social Security, and the less they like the notion of private or personal accounts. What accounts for that? "

March 3, 2005

"Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan told members of Congress on Wednesday that the U.S. economy is growing at a "reasonably good pace" and recommended that budget deficits be fixed through spending cuts instead of tax increases. Does the White House consider this an endorsement of its fiscal policies as opposed to Democrats who still want to roll back the Bush tax cuts?"

NOT EVEN CLOSE - It looks as if continued job growth and a strengthening economy will go unreported until the Old Media can make it look like it would have happened anyway or find a way to give Democrats credit for it.

March 2, 2005

"West Virginia Democratic Senator Robert Byrd took to the Senate floor Tuesday and likened Republicans' efforts to get an up or down vote for the President's judicial nominees to the fascism of Nazi Germany. Would you comment on those remarks?"


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