Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Stolen From Jeff Gannon

(NOTE - Earlier today, Jeff Gannon resumed his bruised position as a "Washington correspondent" and posted his first "real" article since he got shit-canned by Bobby Eberle's Talon News over a month ago: "Bush: Freedom is the Direction of History." The article is nothing more than an other patented Jeff Gannon copy-and-paste job, completely taken from a Bush transcript including the title. I have one firm rule for the Plagiarize Jeff Gannon Blog. I only plagiarize Jeff Gannon's original content. So here's a link to the White House transcript where Jeff Gannon got "Today's News" from: President Discusses War on Terror. Interject a couple "Bush saids" and "Bush delivereds" and you'll be pretty much reading Jeff's latest "piece."

March 9, 2005 offers The Last Word on Dan Rather.

Scott Hogenson at has a great commentary, Intellectual Bankruptcy on the Left.

Is there any more proof required that the Left wants to leave America defenseless? Note the part where teachers unions (that almost exclusively support Democrats with millions of dollars and volunteer hours) worked to allow anti-war activists access to high schools to convince students not to join the military. STORY


Despite the fact that the Secret Service has determined that I met all of their requirements and confirmed that I gave my real name for clearance, that isn't good enough for House Democrats and the conspiracy kids on the Left. STORY Editor & Publisher quotes a Lefty blogger who was the lead on the my political assassination to make a point about national security and Rep. Louise Slaughter gives a quote to RAW STORY, as if it was a legitimate news service. Nice unbiased work, E&P!

Hey, at least I left out the "applauses" from the Bush transcript.
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