Monday, March 14, 2005


Jeff Gannon Writes For The President's Assistant

Jeff's "article" for March 14, 2005 "Bush Scores Win With Faith-Based Initiative Ruling" contains maybe three or four words contributed by Jeff. Most came from the mouth of the Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Jim Towey, at a press conference held on March 8th (transcript).

Whoops, forgot to mention Jim's other job; the position that Jeff mentions first in his "article." Jim's also the Assistant to the President.

One question for Jeff. Did it take you close to a week to copy-and-paste this article? Because it only took me an hour to provide today's lesson in The Art of Propaganda And Plagiarism by Jeff Gannon.

Jeff: "The Bush Administration won a key victory in the battle over the President’s faith-based initiatives last week. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rendered a unanimous decision a case that would allow AmeriCorps members to serve as teachers in religious schools in the Education Awards Program.

Towey: "This morning, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit delivered a unanimous decision that reversed a lower court holding...This is a key victory for the Faith-Based and Community Initiative...AmeriCorps members serving as teachers in religious schools in the education awards program."

Jeff - " The decision applies to fewer than 1 percent of the roughly 75,000 AmeriCorps members nationwide."

Towey: "that applied to fewer than 1 percent of the roughly 75,000 AmeriCorps members nationwide."

Jeff: "At issue was the right of college students participating in the program to choose to teach at parochial schools and without being forced to sacrifice their religious identity in order to qualify."

Towey: "at issue was the right of these students to choose to go to these parochial schools and teach with the understanding and...not use any of their time in religious instruction or worship, that any of that had to be in their private time."

Jeff: "The American Jewish Congress filed the lawsuit against the Corporation for National and Community Service, the program administrator. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) participated in the case as amicus curiae. It views the decision as having crossed the threshold to permit government sponsored religious teaching."

The rest of Jeff's article is taken from a press release issued by the Anti-Defamation League on March 9th (link) and a speech that Bush gave on March 1st at the Leadership Conference: transcript.

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